Ten patients with idiopathic dystonia and twelve healthy controls were tested with pairs of non-noxious electrical stimuli separated by different time intervals. Stimuli were delivered (i) to the pad of…
To assess whether spatial variables influence deficits of temporal somesthetic discrimination in dystonic patients, 10 patients with idiopathic dystonia and 12 healthy controls were tested with pairs of non-noxious electrical…
OBJECTIVES: To examine possible changes of excitability of the human motor system contingent upon immobilisation of two hand fingers. METHODS: Two series of 5 transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) sessions were…
Exp Brain Res. 2002 Apr;143(4):480-7. Epub 2002 Feb 28
In a simple reaction time (RT) task, normal observers responded faster to simultaneous visual and tactile stimuli than to single visual or tactile stimuli. RT to simultaneous visual and tactile…
Adaptive behavior guided by unconscious visual cues occurs in patients with various kinds of brain damage as well as in normal observers, all of whom can process visual information of…
Twelve normal controls, twelve left-brain-damaged patients, and thirty-six right-brain-damaged patients with or without tactile extinction or tactile neglect were asked to report light touches delivered to the left or the…
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1999 Nov 23;96(24):14124-9
We have studied patient PB, who, after an electric shock that led to vascular insufficiency, became virtually blind, although he retained a capacity to see colors consciously. For our psychophysical…
Symptoms of interhemispheric disconnection are typically much less severe in callosal agenesis than after surgical section of the corpus callosum. Sperry [Sperry, R. W., Plasticity of neural maturation. Developmental Biology,…
In this study we investigated the tendency of humans to imitate the gaze direction of other individuals. Distracting gaze stimuli or non biological directional cues (arrows) were presented to observers…
Motor evoked potentials (MEPs) to transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of the left motor cortex were recorded from the right first dorsal interosseous (FDI), abductor pollicis brevis (APB), abductor digiti minimi…
Two patients with corpus callosum resection, one complete and the other sparing the genu and the rostrum, were tested for discrimination of three basic taste stimuli (sour, bitter, salty) applied…
Studies suggest that pain may play a major role in determining cortical rearrangements in the adult human somatosensory system. Most studies, however, have been performed under conditions whereby pain coexists…
A right-brain damaged patient with pure tactile extinction was asked to report series of single or double light, brief touches delivered to both hands, the thumb or the pinkie of…
OBJECTIVE: To assess the effectiveness of a rehabilitative training program for patients with limb apraxia. DESIGN: Randomized, controlled trial. SETTING: Neurologic rehabilitation unit of a university hospital. PATIENTS: Thirteen patients…
Cerebral lesions may alter the capability of bilingual subjects to separate their languages and use each language in appropriate contexts. Patients who show pathological mixing intermingle different languages within a…
We studied spatial stimulus response compatibility in the somatosensory modality by instructing 16 men and 16 women to press a key using the left or the right thumb in response…
The lateral organization of the gustatory pathway in man is incompletely understood. Majority of the studies support an uncrossed projection from each side of the tongue to the cortex, but…
Unilateral spatial neglect is, in humans, typically consequent to lesions of the right hemisphere and pertains to the left hemispace. Although neglect is maximally frequent after right cortical lesions, it…
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