2nd Year

Santa Lucia - Neurosciences and Rehabilitation Sapienza University of Rome

The laboratory works thanks to the effort of its members that daily put professionality and passion in their research activity

Giulio Piperno

Giulio Piperno

My research focuses on the role of moral cognition in shaping human behavior across various contexts, from social dynamics to the development of psychopathology. With a background in experimental and clinical psychology, I earned a PhD in Social Neuroscience, exploring the interplay between bodily awareness and moral behavior. Specifically, I examined how self-perception as a moral agent in social contexts influences moral decisions. Currently, I integrate social neuroscience with clinical research, investigating the relationship between moral cognition and psychopathology. My work includes: 1) Studying neurophysiological responses to moral violations. 2) Exploring how neuro-stimulation techniques could modulate these responses. 3) Developing stimulation-based methods to enhance psychotherapy effectiveness in conditions with impaired moral cognition (e.g., OCD, Depression). My approach combines experimental psychology with neurophysiological methods, including EEG, EGG, ECG, and tVNS.

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