1st Year

Santa Lucia - Neurosciences and Rehabilitation Sapienza University of Rome

The laboratory works thanks to the effort of its members that daily put professionality and passion in their research activity

Ludovica Vosa

Ludovica Vosa

Prior research experience: I have devoted the last few years of research to the study of body representations (body schema and body image) from a cognitive, neural and behavioral perspective. In particular, I wrote my Master's thesis in Functional Neuroanatomy on the mechanisms underlying the plasticity of body representations in relation to tool embodiment in both real and virtual environments.
PhD Topic: I am currently studying how virtual environments can alter moral decision making by interfering with body representations and corporal awareness. Specifically, I am investigating whether the modifications of subcomponents underlying the embodiment of a virtual avatar affects our social actions. To this end, I am collecting behavioural and physiological data during an immersive virtual reality experience.

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